The text will highlight as the audio plays. While you are using the editor, you can also play the audio file. On the left, you’ll notice that you have advanced voice over options like Choose 'Machine generated' or 'Human made'. We support more than 120 languages, dialects, and accents. For example, they start several sentences off with “maybe.” This might work well with video content, but it’s terrible with written content. Select Public link in the uploader and paste the URL of your Youtube video to import it to Happy Scribe. Make the content more engaging: add bullet points, numbered lists, subheadings, pictures, videos, and even infographics.Īnother factor to keep in mind when editing is that when people talk, they tend to repeat the same words. Once you’ve edited and customized the youtube transcription it to your liking.

It has several valuable options that’ll help you edit your piece and make it readable. Some include The transcription will be processed in under a minute and be available on a full-on text editor.

After that you should have your selected youtube video ready and downloaded in your computer. This may take some time depending from your internet speed. Select the format which you want to download. Select the whole content of the transcript, copy it as plain text (to remove the table codes of the YT transcript) and paste it in your word processor 3. How to download your YouTube videos: Paste your YouTube URL at ‘Enter Youtube Link’ and press Download. Step 2 of how to transcribe a YouTube video Open the transcript generated by the CC subtitles via More.